Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Modern Bathroom Mirrors Didn't Hitler Use Evolution To Prove Jews Were Less Evolved Than Arians To Justify Killing Them.?

Didn't Hitler use evolution to prove Jews were less evolved than Arians to justify killing them.? - modern bathroom mirrors

Evolution is the new modern religion. It is in the way that some people think they are superior dangerous. Read simple, as they speak about the Christian atheists who say they are stupid, not developed. The Bible says that all are equal and should love one another. If you want to accuse someone of ignorance, look no further than your bathroom


Bags said...

Yes, he did. Good point.

Edit: Looks like I already have 4 thumbs down. Well, I prefer to have a grave down to support the truth is a grave, to support the falsehood or ignorance. Perhaps to understand the following help others:
Hitler's Blacklist
Different types of blood in Vienna from 1900 to 1918, a renegade Catholic monk, Adolf Lanz (pseudonym Liebenfels), Manichaean cosmology has a secular form. In the preaching of his sect, became the new order of Knights Templar, in its monthly magazine and its bookTheozoology Ostara Lanz, was originally two races COUNTRY Aryan heroes (Asing) and the Animal Village) (monkeys. The Aryans are the earthly light Manichean, but it had a divine race was the most gifted minds intelligent electronics, blond, blue eyes, beauty and creativity.
The population of these animals were colleagues of the Manichean world of darkness, but was a demonic curse stupid race (except in the art of deception, in which he excelled), ugly gorilla,d the need to be destroyed. Some time later, the monkeys began to envy and hatred Asing. They discussed methods of destruction of the Aryans and decided to attack the master race through intermarriage. Ideally, women had an aria fatal susceptibility to apes. (Lanz insisted that the story of the temptation of Eve in Genesis, an esoteric account of his seduction of one of the monsters.) Was gone after several centuries of the intersection of these animals Asing original. And the earth was inhabited by mixed races, which could be higher or lower are classified according to the proportion of Aryan blood and possession Ape, approximately as follows:

Nordic (blond with blue eyes )..................... Almost pure Aryan

Germanicus (brown hair, blue eyes, less desirable, brown eyes) ... Aryan dominance

)..... Mediterranean (Light Aria white but brown dominance

Eslava (white), but degenerative bones. Aria half, half of the Ape

Is ....... slightly overweight Ape

African Black ......... Predominatesntly Ape

Jewish skull (devilish ).................. Almost pure Ape

"The Hitler Movement, p. 107
1 Manichaeism: a religious philosophy taught from III to VII century AD by the Persian Mani (or Manichean) and his disciples, the combination of the presence of Zoroastrian, Christian, Gnostic, and pagan elements, and is based on teaching the principles of good candidates (light, God, the soul) and evil (darkness, Satan, the body).
2 Arianism: the belief in the existence of the hypothetical Aryan past with a supposedly superior civilization. (Aria has no validity as a racial term, but if they are well used by the Nazis in the sense of
Caucasian non-Jewish origin. ")

"What good fortune for those in power than ever before, people think."
-Adolf Hitler

Edit: For more information on the Seminar Part 5 - The Dangers of Evolution on this page: ...

Edit: It's funny how many people say that Hitler was a Christian. Hitler was not ChRISTIAN hated Christians. Whatever the links of the propaganda of Hitler and Christianity was pure.

meissen9... said...

So, if all are equal, why your God destroyed Sodom?

If Christianity is love, why are produced, the Inquisition and the Crusades?

Why do not realize that you are completely wrong?

Edit: Wow pockets, and I know rarely complete idiot. It's good to meet you! Even the propaganda of Hitler himself? For many, many places, refers to himself by the work of God. "In fact, it is a theme in my Kempf was. Of course, if your rate once politely vague Hitler eugenics, which was not supported by science or facts just because some WhackJob wrote a book.

Oh, sorry, not meant to call an idiot, I meant "animal people." Except that it is very good illusion, say the basis for reading a book on the history of truth, which totally contradict his statements.

J.P. said...

He tried, and thus demonstrated that he has no idea what she actually says, was about the changing world.

Like all ministers (not just Catholic priests - are those who hear about the media tells us) then who abuse children. Eastern religion is wrong, or persons acting wrongly?

The Canadian Atheist said...

Wrong Again.
He used a false document, about 60 years ago by a charlatan who is a scientist (who does not) debts written.
True science is flying in the face of fanaticism, which is ignored as every good Christian, he the facts for what she supports his narrow-minded fanaticism.

Calypso said...

Do not use the Bible as an excuse for slavery?

Find immoral people from all walks of life, but they often religion or ideology as an excuse for their actions.

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